Can You Plasti Dip in Cold Weather? (Solved)

Plasti Dip is the most popular temporary car coating these days. It can be used on wheels, badges, or even the entire vehicle.

Plasti Dip, if applied correctly, can last for around two to three years. It’s famous amongst novice detailers because it’s so easy to apply.

If you have just bought some Plasti Dip and want to spray it on your car, you must ensure the environment is conducive.

One of the concerns you may have is regarding the temperature. If it’s too cold, is it okay to spray Plasti Dip?

The ideal temperature for spraying Plasti Dip should be between 20°C to 27°C, the equivalent of 70F to 80F. Also, the humidity levels need to be low, and there shouldn’t be a lot of wind.

A calm sunny day is a perfect time to spray Plasti Dip. You should, however, avoid direct sunlight during application. You should work under shade or in a garage.

What will happen if I spray the Plasti Dip when it’s cold? There are two primary outcomes of spraying Plasti Dip on a cold day.

It will take a lot of time for the dip to dry. Secondly, some surface imperfections may force you to peel and reapply the Plasti Dip once again.

can you plasti dip in cold weather
“Plasti-dip” by Nick Trippe, Flickr is licensed under CC BY-ND 2.0

Can’t Plasti Dip Endure Cold Weather?

The Plasti Dip rubber coating can endure temperatures that are as low as -35°C. However, you need to understand that the Plasti Dip application is different from exposing already cured Plasti Dip to cold weather.

The coating can withstand extremely low temperatures. However, during the application process, it’s best that you do it at room temperature. This way, there will be no surface imperfections, and you won’t have to wait the entire day for the Plasti Dip to dry.

Should I Wait Until Spring to Plasti Dip My Car?

Not at all. If you decide to Plasti Dip your car, you probably want to do it right away. For interested car owners currently living in areas experiencing cold weather, two tips can help you out.

First, you should attempt to spray the Plasti Dip during the warmest part of the day. No matter how cold it is, there is a particular duration from 11 to 3 where the temperatures can increase slightly.

You can spray the Plasti Dip during that period. Also, it would be best that you spray the Plasti Dip inside your garage.

It will be much warmer on the inside. If your garage has access to the HVAC system, you can tune it to room temperature and get on with your project.

Because low temperatures can affect the finish of your Plasti Dip, it would be advisable to soak the cans in hot water for about ten minutes before use. This will loosen up the contents and ensures the spray flows smoothly.

How Long Will It Take for Plasti Dip to Dry in Cold Weather?

Besides the surface imperfections, the other problem with spraying Plasti Dip in cold weather is the long drying times.

The longer dip takes to dry, the higher the chances of getting a poor finish. It would be best to wait until it’s warm enough for you to apply Plasti Dip.

Assuming that you want to go on with this project, you are probably wondering how long the drying period will be. Let’s start with the duration you should give each coat to dry.

As you may already know, Plasti Dip may need at least three coats. On a normal day, you should give each coat around ten minutes to dry.

But because the temperatures are low, you should give the coats thirty minutes. If you are spraying three coats, it will take around two hours.

Yet you would have accomplished the same in an hour. Don’t forget to warm the cans before starting. Failure to do so will have you working with a thick and lumpy coat.

Will Plasti Dip Stick in the Cold?

Plasti Dip will stick no matter how cold it is. The problem is that it will not dry. Is this something you are willing to risk? The problem with Plasti Dip is that the best method to peel it off is when it has already dried.

Suppose you go ahead with the spraying of Plasti Dip in cold weather, and it fails to dry. You will even have a much harder time peeling it off when it’s wet. Your concern shouldn’t be whether it sticks, but you should be worried if it fails to dry.

Does Plasti Dip Provide a Minimum Temperature for Application?

Some coatings and even paints will list the ideal temperature for application. This gives you insight into when is the right time to spray the coating or paint.

Unfortunately, Plasti Dip does not mention the ideal temperature for application. However, if you stick to our recommended temperature range, you won’t face any difficulties.

Can I Spray Plasti Dip in a Heated Garage?

If you have a heated garage, you are in luck because you can spray Plasti Dip anytime you want, no matter how low the temperatures are. A heated garage doesn’t just offer comfort when you step out of your vehicle.

But it can come in handy in such situations, especially during winter. You can adjust the temperatures however you see fit in a heated garage.

Once the garage has warmed up, grab your cans which you have dipped in hot water for a while, then spray the contents.

For car owners who have been looking for home improvement ideas, setting up a heated garage is a brilliant move. It’s an investment that will come in handy in the future.

Also, if you want to Plasti Dip your car in cold weather, reach out to a friend or family member who may have a heated garage. Borrow it for some time. That will help you avoid the effects of cold weather.

Should I Spray Plasti Dip in Cold Weather?

If aesthetics don’t matter to you, you can go ahead and spray Plasti Dip during cold weather. If it’s an urgent project, you can always perform a patch test. This test will determine whether it’s okay to Plasti Dip during cold weather.

The other thing that shouldn’t stop you from Plasti Dipping a car in cold weather is that this rubber coating is quite affordable and easy to peel.

If you are not pleased with the results, you can always wait for the dip to dry and then peel it off. You won’t have lost a lot of money, as with the painting or a vinyl wrap.

But you will have lost a lot of time and effort. It’s up to you to research and identify whether it’s worth a try or not.

You have no option but to try at times because if the weather forecasters predict that it will be cold for several months, would you wait that long?

Will Plasti Dip in Cold Weather Leave Spots and Runs Behind?

In most cases, it does leave spots behind. This is what we were referring to when we mentioned imperfections earlier. These imperfections occur because the Plasti Dip took too long to dry.

You may notice visible runs or wet spots over the finish of the Plasti Dipped surface. You can, however, settle for a not-so-good finish as you wait for the weather to get warmer.

What If I Use a Blow Dryer?

This is a DIY hack used by detailers who live in areas that experience cold weather. A blow dryer can accelerate the duration Plasti Dip takes to dry. But you have to be methodical when using it.

You should introduce the blow dryer as soon as you have sprayed the first coat. Drying each coat with the help of a dryer will ensure it dries evenly.

Ensure that you don’t spend a lot of time on one part. Move around with the blow dryer, distributing heat evenly.

Using a blow dryer to dry Plasti Dip in cold weather may take a lot of time. But it’s better than leaving the Plasti Dip to dry on its own.

The following day, you may also want to run the blow dryer around the area you had sprayed the Plasti Dip. If you have a heat gun, you can also use that to dry the Plasti Dip.

You can also be creative and bring a heater to your garage. It may be inconvenient, but you need to do it if you want the Plasti Dip to cure on time and leave behind an appealing finish.

Does Plasti Dip Glob in Cold Weather?

Unfortunately, it does. When you spray Plasti Dip in cold weather, it will glob and leave spots on the car’s surface. However, there is an easy solution for this.

Before beginning any project, immerse your Plasti Dip cans in hot water for around twenty to thirty minutes. That would ensure the contents are sprayable and won’t form globs.

If you are working on a big area, you may want to recycle cans in hot water to avoid spotting the finish.

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